Back muscle strain reduction has been proven repeatedly. Vanderbilt University studies measured back muscle activity reductions of 14-43% and muscle fatigue reductions of 29-47% when wearing an exosuit during different bending and lifting tasks (Lamers 2018, 2020). Independent validation studies from Iowa State University (Vathing 2022) and the University of Wyoming (Gorsic 2021) found similar, corroborating evidence. Our published field studies with international logistics and retail companies also confirmed similar back muscle activity reductions when workers wore exosuits (Yandell 2020). Industry-led trials have further solidified the scientific evidence of back strain relief. For instance, SAIF, an Oregon-based insurance company, independently conducted trials with several of its policyholders and after multiple weeks of use reported a 73% reduction in low back discomfort at work when wearing the Apex.
Note: The ability to biomechanically and substantially reduce back muscle strain during bending and lifting is one of the main differentiators of exosuits versus traditional back belts, which have not proven to be effective. To learn more about the science of how human augmentation exosuits like the Apex differ from back belts, check out the Knowledge Base on the HeroWear website. Apex reduces compression force on spinal discs.