International Grocery Retailer Improves Worker Well-Being,
Boosts Productivity with Exosuits
New study reveals exosuits increase productivity by 8% while decreasing discomfort by 30%
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More and more organizations are adopting exosuits to improve quality of life for team members while reducing injury risk. The fact that exosuits reduce fatigue has been proven by multiple studies in and out of the lab. The assumption has been that in addition to workers feeling better at the end of a shift, productivity will improve as well. However, few productivity studies have been conducted, and even fewer have been executed outside the lab.

8% increase in productivity

30% decrease in back discomfort

81% of workers willing to continue using the exosuit
See The Results
“We are enthusiastic that our commitment to improving workers’ quality of life can also provide tangible financial benefits to the companies they work for.”
Is the Apex 2 Worth the Investment?
The costs of back injuries add up. Use our ROI Calculator to estimate your return on investment using the Apex 2.