Distribution Centers Track Exosuit Users for 281k Hours, Report Zero Back Injuries
New study reveals exosuits reduced injuries while improving work-related discomfort and fatigue. Download Case StudyCustomers implemented the Apex 2 exosuit in four select U.S. distribution centers. Exosuits were in use for an average of 8 months when injury data were aggregated. After deploying HeroWear Apex 2 exosuits, over 281,000 hours of injury data were collected and analyzed, along with additional operational and worker-reported metrics. This database is equivalent to 140 full-time employees working for one year, while regularly wearing exosuits, and is estimated to encompass 50-60 million lifts by workers. This is the first large-scale, longitudinal injury data released on elastic (non-motorized) back exosuits.

Zero Injuries Reported

25% decrease in work-related discomfort

20% decrease in work-related fatigue
Expected Injuries based on historical data
Injuries reported in 281k hours of work
Zero? Really!?
“We started this journey expecting to see injury reductions, and people have been asking for longitudinal data on exosuit
impacts for years. We also wanted to estimate injury rate reductions with the Apex 2. But back injuries dropped to zero in this dataset which is great for workers at these DCs but not great for computing ratios like injuries per hour worked. Ultimately, this is a good problem: we will gather even larger, longer-term datasets because workers wearing exosuits aren’t getting injured often.”
– Dr. Karl Zelik, HeroWear co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer
See The Results
“We take pride in protecting our hard-working warehouse pickers. The data proves how HeroWear’s product is truly changing the game. We look for innovative ways to improve the quality of our team members’ lives, and HeroWear is helping us do that.”
Is the Apex 2 Worth the Investment?
The costs of back injuries add up. Use our ROI Calculator to estimate your return on investment using the Apex 2.