The Apex not only provides an assistive torque about the back but also about the hips, which makes lifting easier. In one peer-reviewed field study on logistics and retail workers, >90% of the workers reported that the exosuit made lifting feel easier (Yandell 2020). In a Vanderbilt-led study with the U.S. Army, 100% of Soldiers reported that they were satisfied with the lifting assistance (Slaughter & Rodzak, In Review). In another study at the University of Wyoming, participants completed a wide range of lifting and lowering tasks and reported that every task was mildly or moderately easier to perform while wearing the Apex (Gorsic 2021). All these published studies are further corroborated by HeroWear field studies data on 154 daily users of the Apex. These workers reported an average of 26% reduction in effort for a typical lift and 32% reduction in effort required for their heaviest lifts. An independent field study conducted by SAIF insurance company found similar numbers: 29% reduction in overall perceived effort and 32% reduction in effort required for the heaviest lifts (SAIF 2022).