2) Advanced Training

Helpful training material and tips for getting the most out of your Apex exosuit.

How do you inspect the Apex 2?

How to take off the Apex Switch and put it back on (including how to reassemble if it falls apart)Read Moreassemble,assembly,build,documentation,guide,maintenance,put together,switch,training,video

How do you take apart the Apex 2?

How to disassemble the Apex for cleaning, fitting adjustments, and maintenance. On occasion, you may need to completely disassemble theRead Moreadjustments,assemble,documentation,fitting,training,video

How do you remove and reattach the clutch?

How to take off the Apex Switch and put it back on (including how to reassemble if it falls apart)Read Moreassemble,assembly,build,documentation,guide,maintenance,put together,switch,training,video